
This is What Happens When You Stop Eating Salt

This is What Happens When You Stop Eating Salt

Photo by Joanna Kosinska, Unsplash


This is What Happens When You Stop Eating Salt

Salt has gotten a bad wrap over the last few years. We're here to set the record straight on what happens when you cut it out from your diet completely.

Like sugar and fat, salt should be consumed in moderation. The hard part is knowing when you're having it and when you're not.

Salt is found in processed foods, fast foods, many frozen/preserved products—the list is endless. Without even knowing it, we can be consuming too much, which can lead to hypertension, osteoporosis, water retention and more.

Stopping salt altogether may sound like a better option. But is it?


This is what happens when you cut out salt from your diet


Lower Blood Pressure

Salty foods increase the amount of blood flowing through your arteries and your blood pressure. Eating too much salt can lead to high blood pressure and an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease or having a stroke. By cutting salt out or limiting it in your diet, you can reduce your blood pressure.


Decrease in Water Rentention

Salt promotes water retention, so consuming less of it will reduce the amount of water your body holds onto.


Weight loss

Reducing salt may lead to weight loss because you won't be picking up the bag of chips or grabbing fast food nearly as often. 



Stopping salt doesn't come without negative effects. In order to prevent dehydration, you should consumer salt. When we sweat, water and salt evaporate from the body. Replenishing that with just water will cause an electrolyte imbalance, making you nauseous, queasy and tired. These are our favourite electrolytes for a balanced approach to salt intake.

Muscle cramps

A lack of salt in your diet can also lead to muscle cramps., especially if you exercise regularly. 


Rather than cutting out salt altogether, find a way to consume it in moderation. Choose healthy, whole foods and limit the amount of processed foods, ready-to-go meals and salty snacks in your diet. 




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This is What Happens When You Stop Eating Salt
