
How To Tell If You Have A Food Intolerance

How To Tell If You Have A Food Intolerance

Megan (Markham) Bucknall/Pexels


How To Tell If You Have A Food Intolerance

Are there foods that just don’t sit right in your gut? If so, you could be experiencing food intolerance.

Food intolerance is a physiological response that, unlike allergies or food sensitivities, doesn't activate the immune system. According to Allergies Québec, an intolerance occurs when the body cannot digest a certain food or one of its components. In fact, countless foods and their components—such as fructose, colour additives, and caffeine—can lead to food intolerance. This can be caused by the absence of an enzyme that facilitates the digestion of a food or by irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Stress, certain medications, sensitivities to food additives, and alcohol can also trigger symptoms.

Symptoms Of Food Intolerance 

Digestive symptoms of a food intolerance can include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and gas. These symptoms can also manifest as fatigue, headaches, irritability, skin rashes, and joint pain, making diagnosis difficult. 

If you suspect you have a food intolerance, it can be helpful to keep a daily log of your food intake and symptoms to present to your family doctor.

Diagnosing food intolerance 

Finding the source of an intolerance can be a real headache, particularly because the onset of symptoms can occur as quickly as a few hours to days later. You can workshop your intolerance through trial and error or complete a food sensitivity test in a medical clinic. A blood test can diagnose sensitivities for gluten, while a hydrogen test or a blood test can indicate a lactose intolerance. Depending on the clinic and the services offered, it's possible to test for over 270 foods and additives.

That said, there is currently no treatment for food intolerances. The only way to avoid symptoms is to no longer consume the offending foods.

Is it a food allergy or intolerance?


  • A small dose can trigger the allergy
  • The onset of symptoms is rapid (a few seconds or a few minutes)
  • Most food allergies are caused by a small number of allergens 


  • Often depends on the amount ingested, with small doses sometimes being tolerable 
  • The onset of symptoms is not always rapid
  • Any foods and their components can become a food intolerance





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How To Tell If You Have A Food Intolerance
