6 Signs You're Not Drinking Enough Water

Photo by Lisa from Pexels/Pexels
6 Signs You're Not Drinking Enough Water
Suffering from fatigue, headaches, or brain fog? You may be dehydrated.
Staying hydrated is essential for maintaining your overall health. Water helps eliminate toxins, regulates your body temperature, promotes concentration, and more.
That said, it can be easy to not drink enough water throughout the day. These are the telltale signs that you should up your water intake.
1. A drop in energy
If you feel tired in the middle of the day, hydration might be to blame. A lack of water can cause your energy levels to plummet, making it hard to focus on completing daily tasks.
2. Mental fog
The brain is made up of approximately 73 percent water, so not drinking enough can impair your concentration and working memory. Proper hydration is essential for staying alert.
3. An increased risk of stroke
A 2020 study published in the Journal of Clinical Neuroscience suggests that dehydration may increase the risk of stroke and prolong recovery time afterwards. According to researchers, regularly drinking water can help reduce your risk.
4. Mood swings
Believe it or not, water can affect your emotional state. Dehydration can make you more irritable, tense, or confused. If you're feeling gloomy, consider drinking a glass of water and taking a few deep breaths.
5. Increased feelings of hunger
Did you know that hunger can be confused with thirst? If you feel like snacking even though you just ate, try drinking a glass of water first. You might just be dehydrated.
6. Frequent headaches
A lack of water can cause headaches and increase fatigue. If you regularly suffer from migraines, try increasing your water intake before taking a pain reliever.
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