Food Tips

This Trick Lets You Know If An Avocado Is Ripe Without Opening It

This Trick Lets You Know If An Avocado Is Ripe Without Opening It

Photo by Lisa Fotios, Pexels

Food Tips

This Trick Lets You Know If An Avocado Is Ripe Without Opening It

Before you cut open an avocado and get disappointed, use this tip.

It’s all about the stem.

The little round part where the stem of the avocado is is a good indicator of its ripeness. If the stem is difficult to remove, it’s because the avocado isn’t ripe yet. If it falls off without any difficulty, it’s time to dig in!


How to ripen your avocado faster

The best way to speed up the ripening of the avocado is to put it in direct contact with other fruits. Add it to your fruit basket, particularly beside apples and bananas—they produce ethylene, a natural gas that develops the texture, appearance and flavour of fruits and vegetables and accelerates their ripening.


Recipes With Avocado

Avocados are for more than just guacamole! Use your perfectly ripe fruits to make one of these dishes:

Avocado & Grilled Corn Salad



Pan-Fried Fish & Avocado Tostadas



Spinach & Avocado Green Goddess Pasta





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Food Tips

This Trick Lets You Know If An Avocado Is Ripe Without Opening It
