Fashion & Beauty
8 iconic beauty products that are still relevant today
These iconic beauty products have been around for ages—maybe they were even used by your mother or grandmother. So why mess with a good thing? These winners are still available and beloved by celebs, makeup artists and hairstylists everywhere.
Elnett hairspray

By: Andrea Karr Source: L'Oréal Paris
Though L’Oréal Paris’s Elnett hairspray first came to Canada in 2009, it has been flying off shelves in Europe since 1960. The name comes from the French words “elle” (meaning “she”) and “nette” (meaning “neat”), and the product is known for its ability to hold the hair in place without producing a helmet-like effect. The classic spray has continued to evolve for the past fifty years, but the “original” Elnett is still used by hairstylists around the world. L’Oréal Paris Elnett Satin Hairspray, Ultra-Strong Hold, $15/400mL, at drugstores and mass market retailers.
Revlon Red nail polish

By: Andrea Karr Source: Revlon
Revlon was founded in 1932 by brothers Charles and Joseph Revson, and their first product was a nail enamel that came in colours other than red. Funnily enough, their most iconic shade 80 years later is Revlon Red, a classic red polish for the fingers and toes. Revlon Nail Enamel in Revlon Red, $5, at drugstores and mass market retailers.
Nivea Creme

By: Andrea Karr Source: Nivea
Formulated for dry skin types, the original Nivea Creme soothes the skin while softening rough areas such as the knees, feet, elbows and hands. It was first put on the market in 1911, and remains a nostalgic item for many, with its metal tin and clean, powdery smell. Nivea Creme, $9/200mL, at drugstores and mass market retailers.