
How to wear red

How to wear red

Jaclyn Locke Author: Julia McEwen


How to wear red

Red rules—and now's the perfect time to start wearing this standout shade.

Red is a power colour, and it can affect everything from how people perceive you to your appetite. Whether your preference is poppy, ruby or cherry, this zesty colour is flattering for all skin tones and mixes with brights and neutrals alike. Get on board and find the shade you'll shine in.

Wear a little...
No other colour can add oomph quite like a ravishing red. A true red has impact in small or large doses but if you're looking to add a substantial amount, try a slim cropped pant paired with a white blouse. Want a little more impact? Wear the hue closer to your face with a blouse, blazer or scarf; it will bring a glow to your complexion. 

Top, $85, Talula pants, $90, Earings, Bracelet, Shoes,

Wear a lot...
Strong hues like red are no longer exclusively the domain of fashion risk-takers. This feel-good colour is for everyone! If you're looking for high-voltage hits of fiery red throughout your outfit, pick different shades and vary the fabrics.

Coat, $250, Babaton dress, $225, Earrings, Necklace, Bag and shoes,

Power couples
When it comes to pairing red with neutrals, skip basic black (which can look harsh) and look for navy, grey, camel, and metallics such as silver or gold. For a bolder contrast, experiment with royal blue, leopard print and fuchsia.

Read more:
7 red fashion picks to jump-start your wardrobe
How to make green work for you
Style inspiration: 1920s fashion and beauty

This article originally appeared in the February 2016 issue of Canadian Living Magazine.


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How to wear red
