
How to wear an army style jacket

How to wear an army style jacket


How to wear an army style jacket

This transitional comes in so many styles and shades that there's an option for everyone!

If you don't have a go-to army jacket, how do you even dress for unpredictable weather? It's become a staple of the fashion-savvy and is worn with everything from jeans and a t-shirt to trousers and blazers. If a camo-printed jacket isn't quite your speed, don't worry! We've got solid green options, longer lengths and even more muted selects in this Instagram list. Our favourite Instagrammers know the sweet spot of this piece lies somewhere between comfort and class.

Here are a few of our favourite looks.

If you're a little nervous about this print, wear your jacket with an all-black look. It's chic and understated.

It's the perfect topper for summer nights and manages to make any outfit look just a little bit cooler.

If you prefer a bit of tailoring in your look, keep the rest of your pieces polished and preppy. We love the combo of a turtleneck, trousers and a scarf to make your army jacket just a touch classier.

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Don't want to wear a full jacket? No problem! Grab a vest in this verdant hue instead and reap the layering rewards.

For errand days nothing beats jeans, a t-shirt and an army jacket.

Okay, so the bottom half of this look might be out of your comfort zone—but the silhouette is one you can definitely recreate. A button-down, a military-style jacket paired with loose trousers and casual slides? Perfect.

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This option is one third dress, one third army jacket and one third trench—and we love it. Paired with simple separates again, this outfit is classy without being stuffy.

A post shared by Hajra Tariq (@hajra_aaa) on

For chillier days when you just don't want to wear a winter jacket, layer a few jackets together instead. This look combines a tweed blazer with a camo jacket and it's print-mixing perfection.

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If green is just not your colour, try a more muted brown, tan or grey in the classic army jacket silhouette. We especially love the printed pants and bold colour of this look.

Green on green is never a bad idea!

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For something much more tailored, try a longer jacket in the army hue—but skip all the pockets and zippers of the classic piece in favour of something sleeker.


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Army, camo and military-inspired jackets to shop now

Add a touch of embroidery to your camo for a more feminine take on the trend.

Caroline jacket, $128,

Army, camo and military-inspired jackets to shop now

A classic and simple take on the utilitarian jacket, at an affordable price.

Utility jacket, $40,

Army, camo and military-inspired jackets to shop now

A longer length jacket is great for layering in all seasons.

ASOS Curve Summer Parka, $112,


Army, camo and military-inspired jackets to shop now

Pick an option with a drawstring at the waist for a more tailored look.

Lightweight Jacket, $185,

Army, camo and military-inspired jackets to shop now

Green and camo not your thing? That doesn't mean you can't pick up a utility jacket in a different pattern.

Floral cargo jacket, $70,


Army, camo and military-inspired jackets to shop now

We love the muted green tones of this option.

Plus size field jacket, $57,

Army, camo and military-inspired jackets to shop now

Extra elements like tassels and fringe can take a classic jacket into modern territory.

Short parka, $80,

Army, camo and military-inspired jackets to shop now

Stick with darker hues if you want to wear this piece to the office—and added embroidery doesn't hurt too.

Embroidered jacket, $228,

Army, camo and military-inspired jackets to shop now

Combining  two of our favourite patterns—camp and stripes—this piece is surprisingly versatile.

Camo jacket with stripe, $108,

Army, camo and military-inspired jackets to shop now

This lightweight option can be worn as a jacket, or buttoned up as a simple shirt.

Topshop Camo printed jacket, $105,

Army, camo and military-inspired jackets to shop now

How cute is the pineapple print on this option?

Pineapple print jacket, $128USD,



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How to wear an army style jacket
