
How to wear a plain white t-shirt

How to wear a plain white t-shirt

How to wear a white t-shirt Image by:


How to wear a plain white t-shirt

If there's one wardrobe item you should stock up on en masse, it's the plain white t-shirt. Here's how to wear it.

There aren't too many fashion items that are recommended for every size, age, occasion and comfort-level—but the plain white t-shirt is definitely one of them. It's a piece that we can all agree is a functional foundation to our wardrobes. And truth be told it's a piece we always have a few variations of at any given time.

Here's how to wear this style powerhouse.


Make your white t-shirt a bit more polished by picking a slimmer fit and pairing it with a maxi skirt.

You really can't go wrong with a white tee and dark denim.

A white t-shirt paired with white jeans makes a statement and looks pulled together without sacrificing comfort.

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Let your white t-shirt be the base to more adventurous colour pairings—army green and yellow, anyone?

Make a formal or fancy dress a bit more wearable by layering a white t-shirt under it.

A simple skirt and blazer makes a white t-shirt work appropriate—just remember to wear fun footwear.

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Is there anything more classic than jeans, t-shirt and leather jacket? It's our go-to outfit recipe.

A white t-shirt does not need to be boring. Simply style it with colourful or printed separates to spice things up.

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Your summer go-to summer outfit shoudl definitely your favourite white t-shirt, and a fun printed skirt.

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Keep your suit casual by wearing it with a white t-shirt and sneakers—extra points if you're into the pastel trend.

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Make your strappy and feminine camisoles work for day by wearing them over a white t-shirt.

Stick to neutrals with your white t-shirt for a timeless and seasonless look.

Remember what we said about colour combos? Red and pink is perfect—and looks super chic thanks to a simple t-shirt.

Red, black and white—with a touch of denim—make for super easy dressing that still looks trendy.




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How to wear a plain white t-shirt
