Fashion & Beauty
Spike Jonze, high-waisted pants and future fashion

Fashion & Beauty
Spike Jonze, high-waisted pants and future fashion
[caption id="attachment_11456" align="aligncenter" width="600"]
Joaquin Phoenix in "Her"[/caption] The new Spike Jonze film,
Her, is being slowly rolled out across Canada over the coming weeks, which means we'll finally get a chance to see what all the critics have been raving about. We'll also finally get to see the nifty future-world that Jonze (
Being John Malkovich,
Adaptation) has created. For those of you who don't know, the movie stars Joaquin Phoenix as a lonely computer programmer who falls in love with his Siri-like operating system, voiced by Scarlett Johansson. The story is set just slightly in the future, and Jonze and his design team had to come up with a convincing look for it: not too different, not too similar to our own era. Part of that, of course, meant coming up with futuristic wardrobes, and it appears that the real-life fashion world is already mightily impressed with what Jonze and his team have done. In fact, the ultra-hip New York-based clothing retailer Opening Ceremony has even commissioned a new line of clothes based on
Her. (See some of the ensembles below.) One of the most contentious (I use that term verrrry loosely) elements of the film's style is Joaquin's pants, which are very high-waisted, even going as far as above the belly button. (You know, like how Humphrey Bogart and Kirk Douglas used to wear them!)
New York Times film critic Manohla Dargis described them in
her review as "unflattering," which led to a funny Twitter beat-down from fellow critic Dan Kois, who wrote the
Times—tongue planted firmly in cheek—asking for a retraction. In his Twitter feed, Kois explained himself thusly: "Dargis's
Her review is predictably ace except 'pants unflatteringly hitched up' is the wrongest thing she ever wrote." Later he added: "Mr Phoenix's pants look awesome. I wish I could wear pants like that." What do you all think? Too much? Or destined to set a trend? [caption id="attachment_11454" align="aligncenter" width="620"]
Opening Ceremony's "Her"-inspired line.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_11455" align="aligncenter" width="620"]
Opening Ceremony's "Her"-inspired line.[/caption]
