Beauty innovation: Glitter polish base coat!
Beauty innovation: Glitter polish base coat!
A manicure flecked with glitter seems like a great idea before the party; afterward, however, removing the
polish can really kill your vibe. We've all been there: soaking, scraping and picking at each individual sparkle—to no avail. Finally, the cries of frustration have been heard. SpaRitual, a California-based vegan nail- and body-care brand, has formulated a peel-off base coat specifically for glitter polish, debuting Feb. 1. Simply apply a thin layer of the base coat, allow it to dry, then apply polish. Your mani should last one or two days, then you can peel it right off—no soaking, scraping and picking necessary.
SpaRitual Unveil Peel Off Basecoat, $17,