Learn the top 29 tricks to keeping your marriage strong

Learn the top 29 tricks to keeping your marriage strong
We've all seen those couples that seem to have everything figured out. They are madly in love, always seem to be having fun, never get jealous or fight and generally put you and your partner to shame. They make you wonder: Do these couples have something that you don't? The truth is they just know the secrets to a successful marriage. Never fear, getting a stronger and healthier relationship is easier than you think.
Follow the tips below and watch your marriage flourish.
10 secrets of a successful marriage
How to get more "for better" than "for worse"
You remember the man you married: Mr. Right made you laugh, looked glorious in a tight T-shirt and left you humming Katrina and the Waves' "Walking on Sunshine!" as you bounced out the door each day. Has he been replaced by Mr. I-Don't-Want-to-Talk-About-It?
Ah, wedded bliss. It isn't (sadly) a thorn-free bed of roses, but a lifelong commitment requiring effort, sacrifice and -- sometimes -- teeth-gritting patience. Not to mention a whole lot of love.
Secrets of happily married men
Know what your man is thinking and keep those home fires burning.
Dr. Scott Haltzman, author of The Secrets of Happily Married Men and founder of the website, says he was inspired to develop a support system for married men because of his own life.
"Nothing I read in a medical journal prepared me for the experience of marriage," he says. "Women have so many resources available to them in their quest for a better marriage. I was surprised to find there were no similar, non-commercial resources on the Internet for men."
10 ways to make your love unforgettable
How to bond with your partner, inside and outside the bedroom.
Take your partner's breath away. Do something amazingly thoughtful and out of the ordinary. These events solidify you in the person's limbic brain. Taking someone's breath away involves surprise, in a wonderful way, even if it is a small gesture of love. You can also teach your partner how you want to be surprised. If you like chocolate, tell him to hide some around the house in creative places so that you can find them throughout the day and think of him. If you like flowers, tell him or her to send them on occasion. Another wonderful little surprise is to leave notes in pockets so that he or she can find them throughout the day. Another idea is to pick up your partner from work for a surprise gourmet lunch in a beautiful park. Find out what makes your partner tick and then find a way to tie it into your little plot to bring more joy and pleasure into his or her world.
8 ways to divorce-proof your marriage
Simple tips to keep your love for life.
"Divorce-proofing is a daily, ongoing task," says Sharon Y. Ramsay, a Toronto-based marriage and family therapist. "It takes real work to make it for the long haul."
But do you know what to focus on? Here are eight ways to make your marriage work for good.
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Follow the tips below and watch your marriage flourish.

How to get more "for better" than "for worse"
You remember the man you married: Mr. Right made you laugh, looked glorious in a tight T-shirt and left you humming Katrina and the Waves' "Walking on Sunshine!" as you bounced out the door each day. Has he been replaced by Mr. I-Don't-Want-to-Talk-About-It?
Ah, wedded bliss. It isn't (sadly) a thorn-free bed of roses, but a lifelong commitment requiring effort, sacrifice and -- sometimes -- teeth-gritting patience. Not to mention a whole lot of love.

Know what your man is thinking and keep those home fires burning.
Dr. Scott Haltzman, author of The Secrets of Happily Married Men and founder of the website, says he was inspired to develop a support system for married men because of his own life.
"Nothing I read in a medical journal prepared me for the experience of marriage," he says. "Women have so many resources available to them in their quest for a better marriage. I was surprised to find there were no similar, non-commercial resources on the Internet for men."

How to bond with your partner, inside and outside the bedroom.
Take your partner's breath away. Do something amazingly thoughtful and out of the ordinary. These events solidify you in the person's limbic brain. Taking someone's breath away involves surprise, in a wonderful way, even if it is a small gesture of love. You can also teach your partner how you want to be surprised. If you like chocolate, tell him to hide some around the house in creative places so that you can find them throughout the day and think of him. If you like flowers, tell him or her to send them on occasion. Another wonderful little surprise is to leave notes in pockets so that he or she can find them throughout the day. Another idea is to pick up your partner from work for a surprise gourmet lunch in a beautiful park. Find out what makes your partner tick and then find a way to tie it into your little plot to bring more joy and pleasure into his or her world.

Simple tips to keep your love for life.
"Divorce-proofing is a daily, ongoing task," says Sharon Y. Ramsay, a Toronto-based marriage and family therapist. "It takes real work to make it for the long haul."
But do you know what to focus on? Here are eight ways to make your marriage work for good.
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