Money & Career
4 quick tips for job interviews

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Money & Career
4 quick tips for job interviews
Are you short on work experience? Or have you been out of the workforce for a while? Whatever your situation, a job interview can be intimidating. Brandi Halls, director of brand communication at Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics (and soon to be featured on an episode of "Undercover Boss Canada" on W Network), helps you through the daunting process.
Do your research
Do a little digging online or even take a field trip. If you’ve applied for a job in retail, pop into the store and chat with the sales associates. "It shows initiative to a potential employer and, most important, it shows interest," says Halls.
Reveal your personality
It helps to have people on board who are friendly and like to have fun in their work environment, says Halls.
"We’re also looking for people who are happy to be part of a team."
Talk about your interests
Employers find it appealing when a candidate is passionate about things other than work, whether it’s the environment, humanitarian causes or a hobby.
Be honest about your skills
"If you haven’t got the experience we’re asking for, then just tell us that," says Halls. "But also tell us why you think you could do this job better than someone who does have the experience."
Do your research
Do a little digging online or even take a field trip. If you’ve applied for a job in retail, pop into the store and chat with the sales associates. "It shows initiative to a potential employer and, most important, it shows interest," says Halls.
Reveal your personality
It helps to have people on board who are friendly and like to have fun in their work environment, says Halls.
"We’re also looking for people who are happy to be part of a team."
Talk about your interests
Employers find it appealing when a candidate is passionate about things other than work, whether it’s the environment, humanitarian causes or a hobby.
Be honest about your skills
"If you haven’t got the experience we’re asking for, then just tell us that," says Halls. "But also tell us why you think you could do this job better than someone who does have the experience."
This story was originally titled "Job Interview Jitters" in the March 2013 issue. Subscribe to Canadian Living today and never miss an issue! |