How our readers are celebrating Canada Day
How our readers are celebrating Canada Day
Canada Day is right around the corner, and we were curious to know how Canadians from coast to coast celebrate our awesome nation’s birthday. So, we asked our Facebook audience to share their favourite July 1st traditions.
"Some wonderful people in our little village of Port Sydney, Ontario put tiny Canadian flags at the end of everyone's driveway. There are more than 1,000. It's so nice to wake up and see them every July 1st." - Cathryn Williams, Port Sydney, Ontario
"To the Blue Jays game!!" - Kelly Gerrard, Toronto, Ontario
"In NL, we start the day in remembrance of the soldiers who gave their lives in the First World War. As every Canadian knows, or should know, Newfoundland and Labrador lost almost all of a generation in that war and the horrific losses on July 1, 1916. In the afternoon, we then celebrate the greatest country in the world. I'm a proud Canadian and a prouder Newfoundlander!" - Jocelyn Kelland, Newfoundland
"Knit earmuffs for my dog, so she is not so terrified at the fireworks." - MaryLynne Marshall, Ontario
"In Granum, Alberta we live near the campground.... Often we are camping in the mountains with my husband's family. It has been a tradition since before we met. It actually is when and where he proposed to me, down on one knee on a bank overlooking the river. It's a special day in many ways.” - Jennifer Jaeger Mackintosh, Granum, Alberta
"The past few years we have been going across the river (Gatineau) to a fiddle friend's home on the lake, where there is lots of music, great food and swimming in the lake. On the way home we stop and watch the fireworks on the Hill from the other side!" - Debra McLean, Ottawa, Ontario
"Here in Nanaimo, on Vancouver Island, we have a celebration of flags and official opening ceremonies at our waterfront park downtown, followed by a very large red and white cake, kindly donated each year by a local bakery. There are multicultural food booths, activities going on for all ages, and different types of entertainers roaming the park. It's a fun day for one and all, and I'm looking forward to attending again this year!" - Jane Brook, Naniamo, British Columbia
“One of our friends always hosts a party in their backyard. We wear red and white and start by playing yard games and everyone brings a chair, BYOB and a dish of something for the buffet style dinner on the deck. Then there is a movie or two on the projector outside” - Bee Perry, Canada
"[We have a] pancake breakfast … [then] parade in the little city of Fort Saskatchewan, followed by a little time in the sun at the fair. [Then we] head home for a home cooked barbecue with some Alberta beef, grilled veggies and treats, then off to the fireworks in the city of Edmonton. It's a long and exhausting day, but it's a day we book off every year and a day we celebrate our beautiful country as a family." - Brandy Lynn Patterson, Edmonton, Alberta
"I'm spending this Canada Day dancing the night away at my daughter's wedding!! She and her handsome fiancé chose Canada Day so they will always have fireworks on their anniversary. She's getting married during Pride celebrations here in Toronto—proof again that love wins. #loveislove #feeltherainbow" - Patti Millar, Toronto, Ontario