5 ways to give your wife the best summer ever

5 ways to give your wife the best summer ever
From the article "Staying Together," from the August 2007 issue of Canadian Living Magazine, on newsstands or click here for the back issue.
One woman finds a way to let her husband know she needs a well-deserved break.
A little note
Memo to: Love of My Life (Hereafter, LOML)
From: Love of Your Life (Hereafter, LOYL)
Re: Summer
As per our 768 rushed conversations this past month, you know that so far this summer I have:
• booked the kids into four activity-laden (a.k.a. enriching) day camps;
• arranged and taken kids to doctor, dentist and optometrist appointments;
• completed all summer clothing shopping, which included obtaining, returning and repurchasing (in new sizes) 16 pairs of shoes;
• and tended to seven sunburns, four skinned knees and 42 tantrums caused by near-miss bee stings.
I have accomplished these tasks while preparing 99 meals (44 vegetarian) and processing 1,002 loads of laundry.
Heartfelt burps are duly noted as signs of your gratitude, but I would appreciate being “recognized” in more tangible ways. In discussion with my peers (you know how we gals talk!), I have crafted the following compensation package.
1. Here is my No. 1 secret fantasy: Show me you care by taking over all -- and I mean ALL -- the mundane household details for one week, one day, even one evening. Meanwhile, deliver a chilled glass of wine and decor mags to me on the deck with a cheerful, “Don't move an inch, hon. You deserve some time off.” (I get misty-eyed imagining it.)
2. I am tired of using the pliers to open the bathroom door (you put the knob on the windowsill “temporarily” back in January 2006). The Christmas lights are really ready to come down off the front porch -- no one will think you're rushing the season away -- and I'm fed up with that box of old LPs you've been promising to sort through since Boy George was, well, still a boy. I know you have that fabulous toolbox with all the gadgets lined up in rows (how perfect it would be for my jewelry!). Please use it to make at least a few of the household projects you promised to do just after you said “in sickness and health.” You really don't want me to call that hunky handyman all my girlfriends rave about now, do you?
3. “Let's go crazy, let's go nuts,” sang Prince oh-so-long ago. Long, hot summer nights are tailor-made for breaking out of the routine. Let's dance in the backyard under the stars. Get out the bikes and take me for a spin after supper. Invite my friends over for a spur-of-the-moment barbecue.
4. Homer Simpson is not my idea of sexy. Can you make some effort to get back into shape? Keep this thought in mind, though: abs and biceps equals h-e-l-l-o, handsome! Hairy blubber equals not tonight, I have a headache.
5. You know how much you value your fishing trip with the guys? I'd like a weekend away, too. Send me to a spa, either on my own or with my gal pals. Book it and surprise me.
Thank you in advance for your consideration of these requests. Your recognition of my extra efforts will not only result in improved job satisfaction on my part but will also go a long way toward strengthening our partnership.
Yours truly and forever, LOYL
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