10 sweet love stories reveal how men knew they'd found their future wives

10 sweet love stories reveal how men knew they'd found their future wives
Relationships are made up of defining moments, both big and small. Some love stories hit you over the head with their obvious clues about the future -- he can't wait to introduce you to his family; he's planning future weekend getaways -- but other times, it's the way you react (or don't react) to a situation that tells him as clearly as a flashing neon sign that you're his true love and that he can't live without you.
We've gathered a few real-life love stories from men who realized in some wonderfully down-to-earth ways that they had found the one they wanted to spend the rest of their lives with.
1. Smooth move
"We started talking about moving in together after a couple of years of dating. I knew she was special, but when she was willing to sell her new house and move across town to make the transition easier on my son, there was no doubt in my mind that I've found the one."
– David, Whitby, Ont., married five months
2. Road-trip romance
"She and I sat beside each other on a bus trip to New York City. We immediately felt comfortable with each other, so it seemed natural for us to spend the day together in the city once we arrived.
I proposed four short months after that trip, but deep down I knew that I found the one for me before we stepped off that bus."
– Trevor, Toronto, Ont., married three years
3. Lunch mates
"The decision to marry my wife was honestly one of the easiest ones I've ever made. We were work friends and ate lunch together every day for two years before we went on a date.
During that time, I was convinced that she was the kindest and most beautiful person I had ever met. I knew I wanted to spend much more than just an hour with her sharing sandwiches; now we're happily married."
– Mark, Lethbridge, Alta., married five years
Page 1 of 2 -- Find more heartwarming tales from men who know romance with stories about long-distance relationships and fun date ideas on page 2
4. Passion play
"I realized my wife was the one after only a few weeks of dating. She kept telling me I should follow my passion for teaching and not worry so much about money.
We got married, graduated from teacher's college and have never been happier."
– Colin, Halifax, N.S., married four years
5. Out of sight
"I knew I was hooked when I found myself plotting our next date while we were still out on our first date. I asked her to move in after only a few months so that I never had to wonder when I'd get to see her again."
– Michael, Sudbury, Ont., married 11 years
6. Love connection
"For me it wasn't one moment, but a series of moments that made me know she was for me: Our first kiss was awesome, and travelling together to New York, Peru, Brazil and the Bahamas was seamless.
People ask if I have cold feet about getting married, but I don't. I just know I've never felt this connection with anybody else – she's my best friend."
– Dave Ottawa, Ont., engaged
7. Friendly advice
"After a few weeks of dating, I was telling my friend of more than 20 years about her. He listened to me go on and on, and finally said: ‘You've never been so excited about a woman before. She sounds perfect for you.' And I realized: She was."
– Vineet, Montreal, Que., married four years
8. Reality check
"She understood the real me better than anyone ever has – even when she learned how offside my humour can be. She loved the ‘unfiltered' me. I just knew I had to marry this girl."
– John, Toronto, Ont., married three years
9. Long-distance love
"When I graduated from school and started working, she still had one more year of studying to go. We lived in separate provinces for a time, and I missed being with her every single day. Just how much I missed her reaffirmed how important she was to me. I decided I never wanted to be apart like that ever again."
– Dallas, Fredericton, N.B., married six years
10. Sweet surrender
"I was working long hours on a film set, thinking nonstop about this girl I had just started dating.
I knew chocolate-covered almonds and raisins were her favourites, so when those happened to be the treats for the crew one night, I filled a little Styrofoam cup full of treats and saved it to give to her later.
I didn't know it at the time, but her ex-boyfriend had given her a box of Godiva chocolates on the same day in an attempt to try and win her back. But she threw out his fancy chocolates, kept mine, and we lived happily ever after."
– Jason, Mississauga, Ont., married five years
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We've gathered a few real-life love stories from men who realized in some wonderfully down-to-earth ways that they had found the one they wanted to spend the rest of their lives with.
1. Smooth move
"We started talking about moving in together after a couple of years of dating. I knew she was special, but when she was willing to sell her new house and move across town to make the transition easier on my son, there was no doubt in my mind that I've found the one."
– David, Whitby, Ont., married five months
2. Road-trip romance
"She and I sat beside each other on a bus trip to New York City. We immediately felt comfortable with each other, so it seemed natural for us to spend the day together in the city once we arrived.
I proposed four short months after that trip, but deep down I knew that I found the one for me before we stepped off that bus."
– Trevor, Toronto, Ont., married three years
3. Lunch mates
"The decision to marry my wife was honestly one of the easiest ones I've ever made. We were work friends and ate lunch together every day for two years before we went on a date.
During that time, I was convinced that she was the kindest and most beautiful person I had ever met. I knew I wanted to spend much more than just an hour with her sharing sandwiches; now we're happily married."
– Mark, Lethbridge, Alta., married five years
Page 1 of 2 -- Find more heartwarming tales from men who know romance with stories about long-distance relationships and fun date ideas on page 2
4. Passion play
"I realized my wife was the one after only a few weeks of dating. She kept telling me I should follow my passion for teaching and not worry so much about money.
We got married, graduated from teacher's college and have never been happier."
– Colin, Halifax, N.S., married four years
5. Out of sight
"I knew I was hooked when I found myself plotting our next date while we were still out on our first date. I asked her to move in after only a few months so that I never had to wonder when I'd get to see her again."
– Michael, Sudbury, Ont., married 11 years
6. Love connection
"For me it wasn't one moment, but a series of moments that made me know she was for me: Our first kiss was awesome, and travelling together to New York, Peru, Brazil and the Bahamas was seamless.
People ask if I have cold feet about getting married, but I don't. I just know I've never felt this connection with anybody else – she's my best friend."
– Dave Ottawa, Ont., engaged
7. Friendly advice
"After a few weeks of dating, I was telling my friend of more than 20 years about her. He listened to me go on and on, and finally said: ‘You've never been so excited about a woman before. She sounds perfect for you.' And I realized: She was."
– Vineet, Montreal, Que., married four years
8. Reality check
"She understood the real me better than anyone ever has – even when she learned how offside my humour can be. She loved the ‘unfiltered' me. I just knew I had to marry this girl."
– John, Toronto, Ont., married three years
9. Long-distance love
"When I graduated from school and started working, she still had one more year of studying to go. We lived in separate provinces for a time, and I missed being with her every single day. Just how much I missed her reaffirmed how important she was to me. I decided I never wanted to be apart like that ever again."
– Dallas, Fredericton, N.B., married six years
10. Sweet surrender
"I was working long hours on a film set, thinking nonstop about this girl I had just started dating.
I knew chocolate-covered almonds and raisins were her favourites, so when those happened to be the treats for the crew one night, I filled a little Styrofoam cup full of treats and saved it to give to her later.
I didn't know it at the time, but her ex-boyfriend had given her a box of Godiva chocolates on the same day in an attempt to try and win her back. But she threw out his fancy chocolates, kept mine, and we lived happily ever after."
– Jason, Mississauga, Ont., married five years
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