Your pet problems -- solved!

Your pet problems -- solved!
Any true pet lover knows they can be a real handful: they dig up the flowerbeds, walk on the kitchen counters and rifle through the trash. Despite their sometimes objectionable
behaviour, most owners can't love their cuddly furballs enough.
Veterinarians Marie McKibbin and Walt Ingwersen have taken your reader-submitted questions and provided thoughtful and helpful answers. Browse through our collection of top vet advice and keep your pet happy and healthy.
Cat and small animal care:
5 best ways to find a vet
Find out why your smelly pet could have a serious health problem.
What's up with my cat's sleeping habits?
Why some cats love to sleep on top of their owners.
Is it safe for guinea pigs to eat grass?
A look at the history of the guinea pig can offer clues to keeping them healthy and happy in a domestic setting.
How to care for a baby ferret
What you need to know to keep your young pet healthy for life.
Health concerns for mature cats
What to keep in mind when your kitty's age starts to creep up.
Vaccinating your indoor pet
Find out whether you need to vaccinate your cat.
Benefits and risks of feline anesthesia
Dr. Walt explains how surgical benefits outweigh risks associated with anesthesia on an older cat.
Dog care:
Puppy-buying tips
How to make sure your new puppy really has a clean bill of health.
The common parasite your new pet might have
A vet explains what giardia is and how to get rid of it.
How to soothe your pet's allergies
Find out how you can help your pet weather spring and summer allergies and why you need to beware of cocoa bean mulch.
Page 1 of 2 -- Don't miss Dr. Ingwersen and Dr. McKibbin's great advice for owners of pet dogs on page 2!
Any true pet lover knows they can be a real handful: they dig up the flowerbeds, walk on the kitchen counters and rifle through the trash. Despite their sometimes objectionable behaviour, most owners can't love their cuddly furballs enough.
Veterinarians Marie McKibbin and Walt Ingwersen have taken your reader-submitted questions and provided thoughtful and helpful answers. Browse through our collection of top vet advice and keep your pet happy and healthy.
Advice for dog owners:
Leaving your dog alone
Get tips for winter pet care and advice for leaving your pooch home alone.
Protect your pet from fleas and rashes
Beat the season of the itch with tips on how to prevent and get rid of fleas.
Should you dock your dog's tail?
Learn more about tail-docking for puppies.
6 tips to keep your pet safe over the holidays
Find out what holiday items in your home could make your pet sick.
Why some pets make a snack of their poop
A veterinarian sets the record straight on dogs who are attracted to fecal matter.
Pet safety for summer
10 ways to keep your pet healthy and safe this summer.
Overcoming accidents in the house
Solve your pet's loss of house training, and try a reader's car sickness solution.
Why your stinky pet could be sick
Eat your way to younger-looking skin.
Dangerous foods you should never feed your pet
Keep your pet safe by keeping these common foods out of reach.
Why is my dog so attached to me?
Dr. Marie McKibbin of Owen Sound Veterinary Clinic helps a reader determine why her dog is so attached to her.
Page 2 of 2 -- On page 1, browse top vet advice for owners of pet cats and other small critters.
Veterinarians Marie McKibbin and Walt Ingwersen have taken your reader-submitted questions and provided thoughtful and helpful answers. Browse through our collection of top vet advice and keep your pet happy and healthy.
Cat and small animal care:

Find out why your smelly pet could have a serious health problem.

Why some cats love to sleep on top of their owners.

A look at the history of the guinea pig can offer clues to keeping them healthy and happy in a domestic setting.

What you need to know to keep your young pet healthy for life.

What to keep in mind when your kitty's age starts to creep up.

Find out whether you need to vaccinate your cat.

Dr. Walt explains how surgical benefits outweigh risks associated with anesthesia on an older cat.
Dog care:

How to make sure your new puppy really has a clean bill of health.

A vet explains what giardia is and how to get rid of it.

Find out how you can help your pet weather spring and summer allergies and why you need to beware of cocoa bean mulch.
Page 1 of 2 -- Don't miss Dr. Ingwersen and Dr. McKibbin's great advice for owners of pet dogs on page 2!
Any true pet lover knows they can be a real handful: they dig up the flowerbeds, walk on the kitchen counters and rifle through the trash. Despite their sometimes objectionable behaviour, most owners can't love their cuddly furballs enough.
Veterinarians Marie McKibbin and Walt Ingwersen have taken your reader-submitted questions and provided thoughtful and helpful answers. Browse through our collection of top vet advice and keep your pet happy and healthy.
Advice for dog owners:

Get tips for winter pet care and advice for leaving your pooch home alone.

Beat the season of the itch with tips on how to prevent and get rid of fleas.

Learn more about tail-docking for puppies.

Find out what holiday items in your home could make your pet sick.

A veterinarian sets the record straight on dogs who are attracted to fecal matter.

10 ways to keep your pet healthy and safe this summer.

Solve your pet's loss of house training, and try a reader's car sickness solution.

Eat your way to younger-looking skin.

Keep your pet safe by keeping these common foods out of reach.

Dr. Marie McKibbin of Owen Sound Veterinary Clinic helps a reader determine why her dog is so attached to her.
Page 2 of 2 -- On page 1, browse top vet advice for owners of pet cats and other small critters.