What to do if your pet is injured

What to do if your pet is injured
We all have accidents, including your pet! Expert Renée DeVilliers gave us some tips on what to do if your pet is injured.
•Know beforehand where to take an animal in case of emergency (know where to go after hours as well.)
•Always have cash or a credit card with you -- even when walking your dog -- since an animal hospital will not treat an animal (even if dying) without payment
•There are no pet ambulances so be prepared, know where you are going, what you need, and how to get your dog there in the best possible shape.
Pet first aid links
Animal CPR
This page written by two veterinarians offers very detailed instructions on animal CPR, including diagrams.
Build your own first aid kit
The Sangre De Christo Animal Hospital in Santa Fe has a page on what materials to include in a pet first aid kit, and brief comments on how to use them. The site also has a chart showing cat and dog ages in "people" years. Click on "Pet Tips, FAQs, Fun Stuff" on the home page.
How to give your cat a pill
This site reveals what really happens when you "position right forefinger and thumb on either side of cat's mouth, gently apply pressure to cheeks, then pop the pill in." Seasoned cat owners will get a checkle out of this. The trick for dogs? Wrap it in bacon.
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