Salutes to moms

Salutes to moms
Unending love
A few weeks ago my four-year-old asked, "Who was your mommy?" after we read the book I'll Love You Forever by Robert Munsch. I looked into his beautiful face and hoped that he would have more memories of me than I have of my mom. The question made me think about what a wonderful cook she was and about all the love and care she put into the clothes and toys she sewed for me. Years have faded the memories of her face and the sound of her voice and laughter from my mind. The one thing that hasn't faded, even after 27 years, is the feeling of being loved. "As long as I'm living, my mommy you'll be..."
-Frances Hastings
An evolving relationship
It took me years to realize how wonderful my mom is. As a teenager we didn't always see eye to eye, but now as an adult I look back at my childhood with great fondness. My mom always had time to play and make great crafts to keep us busy. We now live about 500 miles away from my family but try to see them every few months. I cherish the time we now get to spend together.
-Karen Parent
Mother's intuition
Mothers are said to have some sort of special intuition, and it's the truth. Somehow my mom has a way of knowing exactly what I'm thinking at the exact moment that I'm thinking it. Of course we had the fights: "You're pulling my hair out with that thing" or "You're not leaving this house wearing that, missy!" But it's these things that make me appreciate her -- and she was almost always right anyway. My mom is also the only person in the world that can cheer me up when I'm feeling down, and the only person that I can be myself around. My mother is my supporter and my best friend. I love her with all my heart.
-Lindsay Gallagher
Mom's love
There are a million reasons why my mom is so fantastic. Although I'm nearly 30, my mom still regularly reminds me how much I am loved. My mom is the eternal optimist. "Isn't life wonderful?" is one of her favourite sayings. My mom has handled all the adversity in her life with a brave face and has always put her children first. For that, I am forever grateful and extremely proud.
-Jessica Currie
Lasting memories
My parents had a small farm in rural Manitoba. One beautiful sunny winter day Mom and I decided to go snowshoeing on the property. As we were waddling along she sank butt first into a pocket under the snow. With arms and snowshoes flailing in the air I tried to pull her out but the more I tried the more she laughed, almost pulling me in on top of her. After a few minutes I finally took my snowshoes off and got a better stance and was able to pull her out, still giggling helplessly over what had happened. Good times!
-Gail Odber
A daughter's pride
My mom is the most amazing woman I know. She is incredibly selfless and is always finding ways to help out those around her. She is the first person to share a kind word with someone and show up on their doorstep with a flower or card when things aren't going their way. She constantly goes out of her way to help out anyone who needs it. She always has something nice to say to everyone she meets and always means it. Many people who know her fondly refer to her as "Mother Theresa." She is my angel on earth and I'm proud to be her daughter.
-Dr. Tracey Young
The strength of a mother
Growing up was easy until I was faced with peer pressure, boyfriends, finance, college, breakups, et cetera. It always seemed like whatever I was faced with, Mom could always help. She taught me to love myself for who I am, not to judge a book by its cover, to be true to myself and to reach for the top. Most of all she taught me to believe in myself. My mom will always be my shoulder of strength and my best friend.
-Lisa Vankoughnett
The support to start over
When my first marriage fell apart in 2001, I found myself moving home to my parents' house with three very young children. Knowing that I would have to get a job to support myself and my children, my mom stepped up and offered to provide child care for my three children for no charge. She took care of them day in and day out while I went to work to try and get myself and my children back on our feet. After a year of living at my parents' house, my children and I moved into our own apartment -- and she still babysat the children while I worked. She continued to do this, putting her life on hold to take care of them, until I married my new husband and now have the chance to be a stay-at-home mom. In my life, my mom has on more than one occasion sacrificed her time, money and dreams to help me. She truly is the best mom!
-Michelle Young