Pregnant women and their personalities
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Pregnant women and their personalities
Setting the scene
The names may change, but the players remain the same. No matter which set of prenatal classes you decide to attend, you're bound to run into at least one of the following characters:
• Ms. Perfect Pregnancy: She's the woman we all love to hate -- a mother-to-be who wouldn't dream of touching junk food or non-organic produce, who takes the studies about the benefits of classical music to the developing fetus a little too seriously, and who is eagerly devouring all of the obnoxious "superbaby" books that promise to give overachieving parents the inside scoop on producing the next Gretzky or Einstein.
• Gyno-Mama: She's eager to tell you more about her gynecological history and sexual habits than any other human being has a right to know -- her doctor included. You can't decide whether the story she shared at the very first class is more likely to appear on an upcoming episode of "America's Strangest Conception Stories" or to show up as a case study in an abnormal psychology textbook.
• High-Tech Mama: She's had her ultrasound photo made into a screen saver and she's looking forward to webcasting her baby's birth around the world. Her biggest concern is that there won't be a place to plug in her laptop in the birthing suite at the hospital.
• Martha Stewart Mom-To-Be: She started decorating her baby's room the day the pregnancy test came back positive-and eight months later, she's still at it! Her greatest fear is that she'll go into labour before she's finished stenciling the walls.
Ann Douglas is the author of The Mother of All Pregnancy Books, The Mother of All Baby Books, and numerous other books about pregnancy and parenting. You can contact Ann via her website at