How to give the best baby gifts

How to give the best baby gifts
At her baby shower two years ago, Jessica Stewart received three mini motorcycle jackets and a tiny pair of jewel-encrusted high top sneakers. “They were super cute gifts given to me by well-meaning friends without kids, and they were totally impractical, “ Jessica recalls. “My older sister, who had a two year old, was the one who gave me the best baby gift. It was a bag full of the essentials: newborn diapers and diaper rash cream, a set of bottles, baby nail clippers, a pack of soothers and some stretch mark cream. It was what my baby and I really needed and we used every item within the first two weeks.”
Jessica now makes it her mission to give practical, smart baby gifts to all of her friends. “Before I had a kid, I thought that those hand-knit, artisan, one of a kind sweaters were a great gift. I’m a bit embarrassed about those now that I know how silly it is to pull itchy wool over a newborn’s head.”
Jessica’s go-to shower gift is a homemade keepsakes box filled with baby must-haves: baby lotion, bottles and a nipple variety pack, soothers and a receiving blanket. “The items are all things a new baby needs and the box can be kept to store mementos from the first year, like the newborn cap from the hospital, the ankle bracelet, first pictures, that home-from-the-hospital outfit and more. My mom friends tell me consistently that this is the best gift they received at their shower.”
The next time you receive a baby shower invite or need a gift for a newborn, consider those essentials that baby really needs. Research from PlaytexBaby™ shows that close to two-thirds of new moms receive an impractical gift, while the items that new moms say they really want include diapers, onesies, books, toys and bottles. Moms also say that they love gift cards, so if you are unsure of what to get, a baby store gift card is always a good option.
From September 30 to October 31, PlaytexBaby™ and Babies “R” Us® are making gift-giving easier. With every $40 purchase, before tax, of PlaytexBaby™ essentials, you will receive a bonus $10 gift card.* You can add the gift card to your baby gift to help out mom even more, or keep it for your next purchase. To learn more about this offer click here.
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*Excluding all Playtex® Diaper Genie Products®. Program valid from September 30 to October 31, 2016 in store and online. Conditions apply.