Culture & Entertainment
Why work-life balance is not just about leaning in

Culture & Entertainment
Why work-life balance is not just about leaning in
Sometimes there is a story that causes me to wake my sleeping toddler up because I read it on the iPhone in bed in the morning and start saying: Yes! Yes! (What, your child doesn't change beds in the night?)
This week, it was this one, from the Atlantic (but it's got a serious Canadian twist in it):
The central conflict of domestic life right now is not men versus women, mothers versus fathers. It is family versus money. Domestic life today is like one of those behind-the-scenes TV series about show business. The main narrative tension is: “How the hell are we going to make this happen?” There are tears and laughs and little intrigues, but in the end, it’s just a miracle that the show goes on, that everyone is fed and clothed and out the door each day.Read the whole article here, and tell us what you think.