They say time flies. It seems like a heartbeat ago that we were being bombarded with articles on diets and workouts to kick it up for bikini season, and now we’re in the throws of last minute of Back to School fever and wondering
“where did the summer go?” So grab a coffee, or last night’s left over sangria (there is such a thing?) and let’s recap what’s happened:
- The country collectively forgetting Target Canada exists
- In a fit of bad taste and poor judgement, Rolling Stone puts the Boston Marathon bomber on its cover.
- A 12-foot tall statue of Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy is set on display in London’s Hyde Park sparking thousands of women to dust off their copies of the BBC mini-series of Pride and Prejudice and sigh…
- Paula Deen spews racial profanity reminding us that we have way cooler Food Network hosts
- Travon Martin and George Zimmerman become known names to Canadians and remind us why we don’t carry guns
- Tony Soprano (aka James Gandolfini) dies in Italy
- Edward Snowden arrives in Russia
- Cory Monteith overdoses in Vancouver
- JK Rowling is outed as the author of a poorly selling detective novel, which quickly climbs the best-seller list
- Ariel Castro snags a plea bargain and is only charged with 937 counts of rape, kidnapping and aggravated murder
- Royal Baby Watch and birth of Prince George
- Lac Megantic explosion
- Rainstorms and flooding across the country
- A-Rod disappoints ball fans everywhere (was anyone surprised?)
- Sharknado
- Blurred Lines
- Russia’s anti-Gay laws enacted

- Media frenzy of the Cronut Burger, a cheeseburger on a deep fired cinnamon sugar croissant-doughnut hybrid
- Police shootings
- Over 123 people get food poisoning from said Cronut Burger and nutritionist around the country bite their tongues to stop saying “I told you so…”
- Millions wish Miley had bitten her tongue as the MTV Video Music Awards sink to a new performance low and an all-time social media high
What’s to come?
- Bold, dark nail colour
- Anything grey
- Ponytails
- And back to school lunch box chaos.