Culture & Entertainment
Top 10 financial tips for women

Culture & Entertainment
Top 10 financial tips for women
OK ladies, this one is just for us.
A new study, "Rich Thinking: A Global Study – A Guide to Building Financial Confidence in Girls and Women," written by Barbara Stewart, Chartered Financial Analyst, sheds some light on our unique financial needs.
These findings are the result of in-depth interviews conducted throughout 2011 with a diverse group of women from around the world.
Just us girls.
The report reveals the 10 financial tips most relevant to women.
1. Determine the lifestyle you want: What type of house do you want to live in? Where do you want to live? How much do you need to earn to live there? What type of people do you want to work with? Figure out what you really want out of life because you become what you think about. 2. Plan and be persistent: If you look back at how a person became successful, there was almost always a well-thought-out plan that was followed with tenacity. Understand clearly that what you want costs money. Know what is important to you, then set goals to make it happen. 3. Get smart: Cultivating your intelligence is one of the most important things you can do to ensure your happiness and financial success in life. Education builds your confidence to make decisions, to face life and to accept successes and failures. Once you get an education, no one can take it away from you. 4. Start work young: There is evidence that starting work young can boost confidence. Whether your first job is pumping gas, bagging groceries or filing, the discipline of work trains the mind to focus. A first paycheque is a great motivator – you quickly learn the link between work and money! 5. Get paid for what you do: The onus is on you to do the research and find out the value of your contribution to the marketplace. From there, ask for what you're worth and do not settle for less. Value your own work and efforts whether you are an engineer or an artist. 6. Have faith in yourself and your dreams: Follow dreams that truly resonate in you. Who and what do you admire? Align your personal and financial decisions with your values. 7. Be independent: Being free to come and go as you please is made much easier by having your own money. Deal directly with money yourself. Buy what you want! 8. Seize opportunities: A lifetime of preparation, study and hard work will likely feel wasted if not put to good use. You must deliberately stay alert and be ready when opportunities present themselves. 9. Respect money, but do not let it define you: Too much focus on money is not a good thing. Make sure to read the news, travel and have some context for your place in the world. You don’t develop your identity through the process of amassing wealth. 10. Know when to ask for help: Have the courage to acknowledge what you are good at and seek out the advice of experts when needed. Whether you need personal or financial advice, look to someone you admire and ask them for help.