Culture & Entertainment
Tie Dye cottage getaway fun: a new tradition is born

Culture & Entertainment
Tie Dye cottage getaway fun: a new tradition is born
For as long as I can remember, I've been getting together with my siblings and their families for a week-long summer cottage getaway on and off over the years. The very first year, my sister showed up with fabric paint and white t-shirts for all the kids. This craft was a huge success. The younger kids t-shirts turned into a glittery goupy mess that they wore with great pride while the older kids produced some pretty amazing one-of-a-kind masterpieces. All of them lovely in their own right and made for some wonderful keepsake souvenirs.
We've been making personalized t-shirts at every family cottage getaway ever since. This year, when I sent my daughter and nephew to the craft store to pick up some fabric paint, they showed up with
tie dye kits instead. And so, a spin on our tradition was born. The results were magnificent.
The kids (now ranging in ages from 9 to early 20s) all immersed themselves in this project. They all worked together and helped each other out. With such a varied age group, it's always immensely pleasing to find something they can all do happily together. Although we purchased tie dye kits this time, it can become quite pricey. In future, we'll
make our own using kool-aid packages and vinegar. Much more economical. I'm thinking we'll add pillow cases to the tie dye craft table at our next get-together.
Any other suggestions. Other than t-shirts and pillowcases, what have you tie dyed? Click
here for more fun summertime kids craft ideas.
