Culture & Entertainment
Third child of mine

Culture & Entertainment
Third child of mine
"The days are long, but the years are short.” – Gretchen Rubin
Yesterday was my youngest child's birthday.
We went to the park.
I watched as she organized a human pyramid with her friends.
I watched as she danced and sang with such confidence and grace.
I watched as she crossed the monkey bars with ease.
And I realized that she is quickly becoming a young lady.
She seemed so much older than her nine years.
It seems so cliché, I know, but honestly... how did this happen?
She's the little one.
Always has been and always will be.
But really, how much longer can I say that?
She isn't so little anymore.
And then I think of how...
She still counts down the hours until I get home from work.
She still sleeps surrounded by her stuffed animals under the soft glow of a nightlight.
She still longs for a cuddle before being tucked in and never lets me leave her room without saying "I love you all the way to the moon and back."
And I smile as I realize she is still very much a little girl.
She's baby number three.
The last one for me.
And now, more than ever, I am so very aware of how quickly she's growing up.
Watching her teeter-totter from young girl to preteen is tough.
I'm looking forward to watching her grow up. I really am.
But I'm doing it while constantly looking over my shoulder at her past.