Culture & Entertainment
Take the 'green' lead this Earth Day

Culture & Entertainment
Take the 'green' lead this Earth Day
By Tanya Debi
Every day should be Earth Day because we should always be conscious and care about what we're doing to our planet. However, it seems that as humans, we need a reminder (or two) every so often to do the right thing. April 22nd marks the 45th anniversary of Earth Day and the 25th anniversary of its recognition in Canada.
Earth Day is drawing attention to topics of climate change and diverting from fossil fuels to renewable energy solutions. Sustainability is important now more than ever, and there is a call on countries to commit to a low carbon way of life for the future.
Here's an alarming fact: Did you know that the
Island of Kiribati, a nation in the center of the Pacific Ocean, was the first country to announce that its land had become uninhabitable due to the rise in sea levels, because of climate change?
How you can help make every day Earth Day Earth Day Canada is encouraging everyone to
clean up their commute, cutting carbon emissions. They're encouraging people to take public transportation, go electric or choose different 'tele-options', such as working from home. Earth Day Canada is also asking Canadian youth to
design their own 'Earth Flag' and collect signatures on it. For every signature that you get, Earth Day Canada will donate $1 to support national programs. For all you Starbucks lovers out there, if you bring in a reusable cup to any Starbucks location on April 22nd,
you get a free coffee!
Climate Education Week Since this international effort, the Earth Day Network has launched the
Climate Education Week initiative, which encourages the next generation to learn and talk about earth and climate related issues. Every day is a new theme and at the end of the week, participants can download a Climate Education Certificate of Participation to honour their dedication to this initiative.
Saturday starts the week off with exploring the outdoors and kids are encouraged to connect with their environment and reinforce their understanding the natural world.
Sunday is all about contests. That's right -- let your kids' creativity run wild! If there is an issue that they feel strongly about, they can submit an article or story about an issue that they have written about or draw a poster of it, and the winner will have their piece published on the Earth Day Network site. That is a pretty fun way to spend a Sunday, don't you think?
Monday starts with an introduction to climate change.
Tuesday focuses on the impact that humans have on climate change.
Wednesday is
Earth Day and youth are encouraged to make Acts of Green (environment-friendly choices) and share them with friends and family. Some activities that you can participate in include planting a garden or painting a mural about the climate issues that you care about, and recording it for fellow Earth Day enthusiasts to see. These are just a few activities that you can do, but there are many more on the
Earth Day Network website.
Thursday educates kids on renewable energy and how this will play an important role in the future.
Friday is all about the importance of green jobs and a green economy.
Saturday highlights the importance of green reading. Kids (and adults, too) are encouraged to read about earth issues and think about the solutions for a better climate future.
How will you be celebrating Earth Day? Let us know! Here are some videos that will help jump-start Earth Day awareness.
The history of Earth Day What does Earth Day mean? Where did it come from? This video provides the background behind this movement and shows that it is more than just a simple 'holiday'. [HTML1]
Earth Day Network's Climate Awareness Week Looking for more information or ways to get involved in Climate Education Week? This video describes what you can do to promote Earth Day and fun projects you can get involved in. [HTML2]
Climate 101 with Bill Nye Remember the lovable, science guy? Well he's back and here to show us the basics of Climate Change and how we can bring attention to this issue. [HTML3]
The top-10 list for saving life on Earth Here is a list of things that everyone can do to keep our planet around for a long time. This is a great video to show all the youngsters, because after all, they are the ones we are protecting this planet for. [HTML4]
