Culture & Entertainment
What’s on your summer bucket list?

Culture & Entertainment
What’s on your summer bucket list?
Guest post by Sarah Manning

- Picnics! Outdoor meals just can’t happen in Canadian winters, so get out and enjoy some good food, some good company, and some good views while you can.
- Do something you’ve been putting off for a while! Our Life & Relationships web editor, Simone Castello, finally got her driver’s licence. “It took me all of July from start to finish, but I did it and it was so worth it!”
- Go to a market. Any kind of market. Andrea Karr, Fashion & Beauty assistant, plans to head to Guelph, Ont., to visit the Aberfoyle Antique Market. Meanwhile, Day Helesic, managing editor, is rediscovering Toronto by heading to The Stop’s Farmers’ Market at Wychwood Barns.
- Get out of town! Whether that means playing the tourist and taking a day trip into a nearby metropolis, or leaving the city to find some serenity at a distant shoreline, a change of scenery is a great way to polish off a fantastic summer.
- Show off your athletic side! For me that means being a part of the same Friday night soccer league I’ve played in for years, but it also means getting outside as a spectator as well. Stephanie Zolis, copy editor here at Canadian Living, has already checked off her annual summer Toronto Blue Jays game. If you’re looking for a game to watch, Canada is in the middle of hosting FIFA’s Under-20 Women’s World Cup or just head out to support a local team.