Today, we're turning things over to our intern, Linda Cotrina: Hi there! I've been keeping busy here at the
Canadian Living offices, so I apologize in advanced for not keeping you updated with my 100 Happy Days Challenge. My last post was about
what I learned during my first week. It's been two weeks since then, so here's a little update. My second week took off to a great start. I was spending more time at home and noticed that a lot of my happy moments for this week revolved around those I love most.
Day eight's happy moment was my boyfriend helping out one of my younger brothers with his homework. That was an especially cute moment because my brother had specifically requested that I call and ask for his help with a drawing he had to do. It's great to see that they get along so well. That same little guy was also my happy moment on
Day 11. He doesn't hang out much in my room anymore, but when he does,
I appreciate the time I get to spend with him—even if he's always on his iPad. The first day (
Day 15) of week three couldn't have been more perfect! It was a gorgeous day out in the city and I took full advantage by hopping on my bike and going for a ride around my neighbourhood. I ended up along Toronto's Lakeshore, where I stopped for a break to take in the gorgeous day. I later walked around the Roncesvalles neighbourhood of Toronto and bought some
gorgeous flowers. Spring is one of my favourite seasons, so those flowers sitting on my dresser were the perfect reminder of the warmer weather, marking my happy moment for
Day 16. Accepting this challenge wasn't easy, but I am starting to appreciate the simpler things throughout my days. I don't need much to lift my spirits. Just
a bike ride, flowers and loved ones were all I really needed during these past two weeks. And I wasn't the only one who had loved ones to thank for happy moments. My editor, Simone Castello, received an awesome early birthday gift courtesy of her brother: a bike! Check out Simone's
recap of her week four and follow
my 100 Happy Days journey on Instagram. And while you're at it, perhaps you should take on your own #100HappyDays challenge. What have you got to lose?