Honouring our veteran's isn't something that should be reserved for Remembrance Day alone. Everyday, we are thankful for their service, sacrifice and commitment...a selfless act of love for our country and our citizens. Why not give our children the opportunity to show them some love this Valentine's Day by taking part in
Valentine's For Vets. Each year,
Veterans Affairs Canada invites Canadian schools, individuals and organizations to make Valentines for Vets which are distributed to Veterans in long-term care facilities across the country in time for February 14th. This lovely idea originated in 1989 on Ann Lander's newspaper column. Every year, prior to her death in 2002, she encouraged her readers to remember the valiant sacrifices of the veterans by making them personal hand-crafted valentines. VAC (Veterans Affairs Canada) hoped on board in 1996 and is committed to continuing her legacy of honouring our veterans. So, this weekend, let's take the time to send some love to our veterans. Let's gather around the kitchen table with the kids - set out some crafting supplies, heart stickers, glitter glue, colourful markers - and watch the love unfold.
"This little heart is here to say That this little heart loves you today Take my little heart and have A terrific Valentine's Day!" Please send valentines containing a personal message of appreciation to a Veteran by February 1 to:
Valentines for Vets Veterans Affairs Canada Commemoration P.O. Box 7700 Charlottetown PE C1A 8M9 photo courtesy of Denise Cross Photography/Flickr