Culture & Entertainment
Should pets be dressed up for Halloween?

Culture & Entertainment
Should pets be dressed up for Halloween?
I read a stat the other day that said 15 percent of pet owners like to buy costumes for their
pets. Does that mean I should expect to see the occasional four-legged witch and warlock among the crowds of two-legged ghosts and goblins come
October 31? I have to be honest. I think putting costumes on pets is just wrong. Outfitting your little dog with a coat for a
walk on a cold winter night is one thing. Decking him out in full party regalia is quite another. In the words of Jay Leno, your pet does not want to wear this: [caption id="attachment_13704" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
"I am not amused" (photo: Shealah Craighead).[/caption] or this [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="240"]
"The Force is surely not with me" (photo: Matt Hamm).[/caption] and definitely not this [caption id="attachment_13684" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
"I bet you wouldn't be laughing if I made YOU wear this."[/caption]
I posed the question – Do you dress your pet up for Halloween – to our Facebook friends and Twitter followers. The results of our informal poll had it about 50-50. Here are just some of our favourite responses.
Umm, no!

Kim (@RoarinOrange): "I value my limbs, as is, so no!" Wendy Haaf (@whaaf): "No. Wouldn't anyway, but if I did, my husband would have me committed." Karen Greeners (@karengreeners): "Good lord, no." Carey Devries-Warner (via Facebook): "No, clothes are for humans:P" Charlotte A. Taylor (via Facebook): "No way…not to mention she's already a black cat." Florence Chan (via Facebook): "My dog will be a dog for Halloween. And every other day." Maureen Gallacher Gerken (via Facebook): "No, my divas are too dignified to allow themselves to look daft. Someday, though, I will get them."Yes, of course!
Sandra E. Martin (@SandraEMartin): "Last year pooch was a skeleton; this year, he has a Trick-or-Treat T-shirt." JoAnn Wilson Sylvester (via Facebook): "Yup, my black lab wears a great pumpkin costume." Denise Phelan (via Facebook): "LOL! Yes, my son and I have an Eeyore costume. It's for a toddler or small child, and it fits our boxer perfectly. She pulls it off beautifully!" Jenny Courcelle (via Facebook): "Not only do I dress up my own dog in a new costume each year, as a dog walker I dress up my clients or encourage them to get dressed up for their walks on Halloween!" Elizabeth Olah Stojanovski (via Facebook): "Every year - 12 years, 12 costumes. This year she's going to be a penguin!" Robin Gardner (via Facebook): "Only reason we do it is for the local kids. They come over to help make costumes and often take the rescues out for the evening with them. Good socialization for all. Some of the troops love it, others don't. Not one is made to dress up."What about you – do you dress your pets up for Halloween?