Culture & Entertainment
Rescued penguins need knitted sweaters

Culture & Entertainment
Rescued penguins need knitted sweaters
Yes you read that right. An Australian foundation is asking knitters around the world to take some time to knit sweaters for
penguins who have been impacted by oil spills. While the need for sweaters isn't urgent at the moment, you can still participate in a variety of ways -- namely, their
Knits for Nature program. The Penguin Foundation, based at Phillip Island in Australia, says the sweaters are meant to protect the little birds, because if they lick their contaminated feathers to try and get clean, they can die of toxicity. (My heart is melting -- I wish I knew how to knit. But I know you do, so I hope you'll help. You can be part of something so awesome. Just look at them!) Once the penguins have been rehabilitated, they're released back into their natural habitat (sans sweaters, of course).
Many good Samaritans have already come forward and have knit creative little sweaters for the birds -- some have themes like 'the ocean' and 'fish,' while others are simply bright and vibrant. If you'd like to participate and knit a "penguin jumper," the foundation has made it very easy -- they have patterns, measurements and inspiration,
all available on their website.
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