From the time we hold our newborn babies in our arms, we vow to always look out for them, to keep them safe and love them more than we ever though humanly possible. We look into their eyes and vow to always put them first. Because they need us, because we need them and because they will always be our number one. We love them all the way to the moon and back. Forever and always! Recently,
supermodel Gisele Bundchen, the wife of New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady, admitted to putting herself first before her children. She references it to putting your oxygen mask on first before that of your child when travelling by plane. "You know how they say on the plane you have to put the oxygen mask on first and then put it on your child? I think it's the same, as a mum, to take care of myself. You can feel a bit guilty. But if I put my oxygen mask on first, if I'm feeling fulfilled and present and good about myself, then I'm going to be a much more patient, loving, understanding mother and wife. You have to fill your glass so that everyone can drink from it. That's how I feel." Although she has been criticized for her 'clueless' parenting advice, many women are on board with her and I can't, in all honesty, say that I don't somewhat agree with her too. Now, I'm not talking about forgoing that cute sweater so that you can afford to feed your children a healthy meal. That's a given. In that sense, the kids always come first. Always. But, we were individuals before our children were born and although they are a huge part of our lives, they aren't the be-all and end-all of our existence. In addition to being the best parents we can possibly be, we are people too with likes and interests and hobbies that don't necessarily involve the kids. Sometimes, the best thing we can do for our children is to take the time to re-charge our batteries. If we're constantly running on empty, we're not the best person we can be and as a result, we're not the best parent we can be.
What are your thoughts on this? Do you agree with Gisele's point of view or not at all? photo courtesy of Keoni Cabral/Flickr