Culture & Entertainment
Oscar Picks!

Culture & Entertainment
Oscar Picks!
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Saturday Afternoon Book Club, click here. I don't know if it’s just because it’s February that I seem to want to curl up in a little ball and cover myself with a blankie and make a pot of tea and watch movies. Or because I always seem a little bored with my life around this time of year because it’s still winter and there is no good holiday coming up that I can sink my teeth into. Like Christmas. I wish we could have that holiday every month. Or maybe it’s because I am just a sucker for the
Oscars. [caption id="attachment_15196" align="aligncenter" width="195"]
If only I could act maybe i could get an Oscar! I love how excited everyone gets when they get one. All that outpouring of solid emotion and gratitude. It's beautiful.[/caption] Seriously, Oscar looks so regal. And thin and golden. I ask myself, Why can't I be that thin? How do you get that golden? In any case, I am pretty sure that’s the reason. I love the Oscars. It’s fun to watch. I like to do it with friends so we can check out what everyone is wearing and laugh at the stars that look ridiculous. And also revel a little bit in Hollywood glam. I hope it's fun this year and doesn’t drag on into the wee hours of the morning. And to be truthful, I wish they would just announce Best Picture at the beginning, but I guess that would not be great. As many people would then just tune out. OK, here are my pics. Honestly, I am starting to act like the academy itself, putting everyone off. Without further ado, then.
BEST PICTURE: Silver Lining Playbooks. Why? It put a human face on mental illness and gave us a glimpse into what it would be like to live with mental illness. And we knew Bradley Cooper was cute, but who knew he could deliver such a powerful performance? It’s a crazy story, but it is also a feel-good story about hope. Hope that things will get better. That is one thing that Cooper’s character Pat Solitano has, and it carries him throughout the movie. Will it win? Probably not. There are some amazing movies nominated. Like the feat that defies reality that is called Life of Pi.
Les Miserables, which was even more touching for me than the live performance;
Amour, a cool original movie about love and death. What probably won't win?
Django Unchained, which I thought was also brilliant.
Argo – great story, but not big enough for an Oscar, I don’t think. What could win?
Zero Dark Thirty, simply because of the subject matter and the peek into this secret world that we also know so little about. Dark horse:
Beasts of the Southern Wild. I dunno. I didn’t see it. Sounds improbable. Here‘s the synopsis: Faced with her father’s fading health and melting ice caps that flood her community and unleash ancient aurochs, six-year-old Hushpuppy must learn the ways of courage and love. Sounds weird. But could be good. Let me know if you see it.
Best Actor: DANIEL DAY-LEWIS. It's always so hard for me to pick this one as they are all so cute! Bradley Cooper? Cute. Daniel-Day Lewis? Hot. Hugh Jackman? Yes. Joaquin Phoenix? Adorable. Denzel? Supercool and hot. Also, is it just me or is it only good-looking men that get nominated?
Best Actress: Jessica Chastain was pretty incredible in Zero Dark Thirty. But I think I'm going to root for Quvenzhané Wallis. Again, the cuteness factor. She was just five years old when she auditioned and she beat out 4,000 others. The director rewrote certain parts just for her.
Life of Pi. Sense and Sensibility. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Brokeback Mountain. And now this. I love this guy. I could go on with more pics, but now I want to know yours!
Which movie gets Best Picture this year?
