Culture & Entertainment

My 100 Happy Days challenge: Week 9

Canadian Living
Culture & Entertainment

My 100 Happy Days challenge: Week 9

As I slowly inch towards the end of this challenge, I'm starting to wonder about other smaller things I can do to shift perspective in my life. One of my friends remarked that a 100 days is a long time, and it certainly is. But the length of this challenge is what's key in helping with success. They say it takes 21 days to change a habit (notice I didn't say 'break' ?) and at 68 days completed, I can say I'm well on my way to becoming hardwired with positivity. At least I hope so, anyway. Simone Week 9 Early on in the week (Day 62), we decided to take a day trip out of the city because the weather was so beautiful. We got lost along the way, and just as I was starting to get frustrated, I looked to my left, and there, gushing with all its power, was Niagara Falls. We were passing through the region so I knew it wasn't far, but to catch it so unexpectedly was really something else. In that moment, it didn't matter that we were lost or that we were behind schedule. I just reveled in the beauty of this fantastic natural wonder. I also purchased a plant this week -- a hibiscus plant that's still alive a week later! This is huge for me, because I've got a black thumb. But the plant is beautiful, it's alive and thriving, and it adds a spectacular splash of colour to my life. Finally, the highlight of happiness this week was at a work-related event, where I had the chance to reconnect with former coworkers who I'm now lucky enough to call friends (Day 66). It's really a gift in life when you meet people who simply get you and connect with you in mutual weirdness, isn't it? Other highlights? I finally framed three personalized paintings that I purchased during my stint in South Korea nearly a handful of years ago (Day 67). I wonder how long it will take me to get them up on the wall now... Lil Bub's book arrived at the office on Day 68 -- Have you seen this cat?! If you haven't, be sure to check out the video, below. Finally, I want to leave you with a fantastic quote a friend shared with me on the morning of Day 65. Hopefully it will help if you're looking for perspective. "It's not what the world holds for you. It's what you bring to it." - L.M. Montgomery (Anne of Green Gables) [HTML1]


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Culture & Entertainment

My 100 Happy Days challenge: Week 9
