Culture & Entertainment

MagiQuest-Great Wolf Lodge, Niagara Falls

Canadian Living
Culture & Entertainment

MagiQuest-Great Wolf Lodge, Niagara Falls

I've always said, and will continue to say, the best thing you can give your children are memories and your time. Those moments together of laughter, that's what they will cherish - along with an evening of dragon slaying! We were invited to embark upon an epic journey -  the only one of its kind in Canada.   MagiQuest - It's a journey fraught with mystery and filled with magic. Cool or what?


We entered a world of MagiQuest , a live action, interative adventure game that had the whole family casting spells, vanquishing goblins and yes, slaying dragons. With a simple wave of a wand, siblings united, parents and grandparents were a welcomed force in the quest. Armed with our wands, an extra ounce of courage, and some really cool wizard names, we enbarked on our adventure at Great Wolf Lodge, Niagara Falls.  My boys were set in character, not Harry Potter, but Sir Swordhand Darkeyes and Sir Shieldheart Littleknight.


The game is incorporated into the lodge's hallways, landscape and lobby. Medieval characters are flowing throughout the enchanted woods, forgotten halls and tangled woods. It was a little confusing at first, and we probably didn't follow all the rules, but for a 6 and a 4 year old it was just awesome to make treasure chests magically open, framed photos speak and items light up all in a wave of a wand.


Needless to say, they didn't complete their quest.  They got so easily distracted with the other adventures offered at the lodge.  Story time in the lobby, Cub Club, Northern Lights Arcade, and oh yeah, the Water Park ( again, again, and again)! So many decisions.............................................for a little wizard.


So for now, we bid thee adieu, till next time. [caption id="" align="alignright" width="110" caption="Image via Wikipedia"] Great Wolf Lodge[/caption] Don't forget to "Like" them on Facebook to be kept up-to-date on all upcoming events and alerted to the 48 HOUR sale.
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Culture & Entertainment

MagiQuest-Great Wolf Lodge, Niagara Falls
