Culture & Entertainment
Laid Off - Now what?
Culture & Entertainment
Laid Off - Now what?
It's been a couple of weeks since I last blogged. Sometimes
Life is challenging. Priorities shift and time passes quickly, other times, time passes very slowly. My husband, who by the way, will probably kill me for writing this, got laid off. Now what? He has been working since the age of 14, and doesn't know what else to do. Work was a major,
major part of his life. Something he felt he was good at. Something he took pride in. But on one bitter cold January afternoon, it was gone.
Poof... It left him numb at first, then all sorts of emotions started to surface. No.
Anger. Hurt. Resentful. Vendictive. Stupid. Doubtful. Insecure. Embassed. Levels of emotions that I've never witnessed in all our years together. Nor would want to. It's hard. It's hard to go through. It's hard to watch. It's hard. But, it is what it is. We can't go back trying to analysis everything and every word, every action, every decision. We'll go nuts. We need to realize that a job doesn't define you. We need to value how blessed we truly are. We need to step back, breathe and start fresh. I try to reassure him that "
things happen for a reason" - "
you'll find something better that gives you a better balance in life" - "
it's going to be okay".
In time, I'm sure it will. Right now, we're adjusting and learning
how to cope with job loss.