Culture & Entertainment
In defence of Justin Bieber: This article will make you a Belieber
Culture & Entertainment
In defence of Justin Bieber: This article will make you a Belieber
I don't know when the tide turned and I changed from being indifferent to being a fan of Justin Bieber (
@justinbieber). But I like him. He's funny and charming and talented. And Canadian. I am a proud Belieber. [caption id="attachment_3357" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]
[/caption] That's why I read this article with interest:
The persecution of Justin Bieber: Why is everyone attacking our teenage superstar? (
Maclean's) Writer Colby Cosh (
@colbycosh) does a terrific job of tearing down the myths surrounding the Biebs ("What? His mom
isn't posing for Playboy?") and taking the public to task for attacking a boy who's barely 17. It's a well-researched, persuasive article that's bound to make you rethink the Bieber cultural phenomenon. Are you a Justin Bieber fan?