In honour of Mother's Day this upcoming weekend, I though I would re-post a blog that I wrote a few years ago. This post resonated with both new and veteran moms alike and I thought it would be very fitting to share it with you again today. Happy Mother's Day to you no matter what stage you are in your parenting life.
The cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow, But children grow up, as I’ve learned to my sorrow. So quiet down cobwebs; Dust go to sleep! I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep. (A verse from the poem Baby’s don’t keep by Ruth Hulbert Hamilton)
The recent birth of a friend’s new baby and my attempt to organize a bin full of old photos found me taking a trip down memory lane. I remember feeling so busy, overwhelmed, frustrated and ohhhhh so sleep-deprived when the kids were in their infant and toddler years. I remember saying many times, “I can’t wait until they’re past this stage.” And now as I sit here today, I’m finding myself looking at photos of pudgy little faces and wishing I could turn back time. I wish the more relaxed, confident me of today could go back into those photos of yesteryear, grab hold of those babies and mother them all over again – this time with the newfound knowledge that only time and experience can provide. Well, I can’t go back. I can only pay it forward. And so… To my new mom friend and to all new and expectant moms, If I could turn back time…
I would worry less and love more. I wouldn’t allow my baby to cry out for me from her crib because I was told that she needed to learn to soothe herself to sleep when all I wanted to do was hold her close.
I wouldn’t feel frustrated that my 10 month old was still nursing through the night. Instead, I would look at those 3 a.m. moments as a blessing, as special bonding times between just the two of us.
I wouldn’t care that the dishes needed to be done or that dinner needed to be prepped. I would cuddle my baby and enjoy a little peaceful slumber in the middle of the afternoon without a care in the world.
I would listen to everyone’s well-intended advice but in the end, I would follow my heart and I would allow myself to just sit and stare and love my baby without feeling guilty about what I really should be doing. Laundry be damned.
I wouldn’t have thought twice about how I could ever love another child as much as the first during my second pregnancy. I would have known that as soon as I laid eyes on him, my heart would instantly grow.
I wouldn’t be so quick to rush them out of their bassinets, their high chairs, their cribs, their bottles, their strollers. They’ll get there soon enough. I know that now. …if only I could turn back time.