Culture & Entertainment
How To Shake Holiday Malaise

Culture & Entertainment
How To Shake Holiday Malaise
We're in the final stretch and about this time every year I experience what can only be described as a pre-Christmas funk. When all things Christmas starts right after Halloween it is no wonder that people get, well, tired. It is 50-plus days of holiday season. That's a whole lot of holiday music and circling around the mall for a parking spot. Many of my mom friends have the expressed feeling the same way. In addition to all they already do in their busy lives, the season adds an extra layer of responsibilities such as planning where everyone will be for Christmas, holiday baking (if you do that type of thing), gift buying and making sure your have cards/gifts for the kids' teachers and childcare providers. The house has to be clean all the time in case people pop in and there better be snacks to feed them. Add in missing friends or family who have passed on, or any tough personal issues, and the season can be especially challenging. Each year my husband and daughter know I need a day or two to just feel all the feelings and embrace my malaise so I can emerge much merrier on the other side. So here's what I do: 1. Watch movies that have nothing to do with Christmas. I like
Love Actually as much as the next person but what I really need is flicks free of any Christmas theme. Like
Grease. 2. Try to carve out a couple hours just for me. I usually book a hair or nail appointment around this time. I get pampered
and I get to read magazines that I don't usually buy (well hello
US Weekly). I also stop in at a nearby restaurant and eat lunch by myself. While I read another magazine. Bliss. 3. Take a walk or drive to see the Christmas lights. Yes this is festive but admiring people's holiday displays actually makes me happier. The tackier the better. Thank you neighbour with the giant Santa-hatted SpongeBob SquarePants on their lawn. Sometimes you just need things like these to take a breather, regroup and really enjoy the rest of the holidays. What do you do to make it through the final stretch?
Photo courtesy FlickrCC/valkrye131