Culture & Entertainment
High school students speak up against suicide with lovely act of kindness

Culture & Entertainment
High school students speak up against suicide with lovely act of kindness
If you walked through the halls of
Brunswick High School near Cleveland OHIO last week, you would have seen a beautiful thing. Post-it notes with sayings like "You are loved", "You are important", "You matter" and "I care" were seen on every single locker. Students were devastated after hearing of not one but two student suicides earlier that week. They took it upon themselves to send a message to each other that suicide is not an option and should never be the option. Kudos to the students that took the time to write down a few inspiring words and post it on everyone's locker. It saddens me to hear of the deaths of those children. Children who felt so alone in this world that suicide felt like their only option. Kids can be cruel but they can be empowering too. This little act of kindness can make all the difference in the world to a child struggling with fitting in. It shows them that they are not alone and sometimes that's all they need to get them to see another day. Sometimes it's the simplest gestures that make the biggest impact. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among young people after motor vehicle accidents. Click
here for more information on Youth and Suicide.