Mother’s Day is coming up and I was thinking about what I wanted. I mean, aside from love and hugs and kisses, of course.

Being in the media, I know I’m spoiled.
Conair has already treated me to a curling iron (which I mistook foranother female apparatus),
Cuisinart gave me their latest immersion blender (which I lurve), and I received a gorgeous necklace from
Citrus Silver. I know, I know, I’m sounding greedy and shouldn’t complain, but what I really want is lingerie. But uh–uh–uh,not so fast…. new French research claims that bras make breasts
“wither and gradually degrade.” WTF? Once again, another study proving whatever you’re doing is wrong.
Of course it’s a male researcher, and
of course his findings are still in the preliminary stages, but this feels like a testosterone-induced conspiracy to bring back the 70’s when nips were front and centre.

The claim is that bras
“limit the growth of supporting breast tissues that keep them perky”. Clearly, Jean-Denis Rouillon, the sports medicine specialist who speared the study, has never breastfed or had pregnancy boobs. He has, however, spent 15 years on this intensive study of les belle poitrine, apparently using a slide rule and a caliper to assess changes. Sounds like the dream job of every guy I went to high school with. Seriously though, have you tried to go braless? Can you imagine working out? The mere thought of running unsupported makes the girls ache. And what about parent-teacher interviews? Or work presentations? Or cheering the bairn at little league? Why don’t we just get a hose, have a wet t-shirt contest and get it over with, because unless it’s a low cut, strapless keyhole dress or midnight feedings, it’s never going to fly. I guess I’ll make some cupcakes to go with my love and hugs and kisses, but I'd still like some
Princesse Tam Tam on the side.