Hello, fellow moms! My name's
Colleen Seto, and I'm a long-time freelance writer and editor, and the proud mom of a beautiful and cheeky toddler named Annabel. She keeps me up and running in the lovely hamlet of
Bragg Creek where we live, about 35 minutes (or 25 if I'm driving) west of Calgary.
I'm a wife, a pet-owner, a hiker and...a multitasking mom Together with my hubby, Jason, and our Airedale Terrier, Bingley, we spend our days taking lovely walks by the Elbow River and enjoying nature. That is, when I'm not getting stuck in traffic trying to dash back from the city, burning dinner, changing a bum explosion diaper, forgetting to brush my teeth (gross!), trying to get Annabel to eat something besides cheese and the list goes on. There are days when I wonder what the heck I've got myself into; but then Annabel wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
I'm a sharer What helps get me through the day is being able to
share my experiences--good and bad--with other moms. Commiserating with someone who can relate, I feel genuinely heard. Let's face it, as much as Jason may try to empathize, he really doesn't have a clue what it's like to stay at home with our daughter while also continuing to work and trying to maintain a somewhat sane household. That's what I like most about
Canadian Living. It's the chance to hear from other women and get tips to make life just a smidge easier. It's also about knowing that I'm not alone in my struggles or for the good stuff either.
I'm an information-seeker That's what I hope to achieve through this blog. I hope to share my highs and lows with all of you, and I hope you will do the same. Whether it's reacting to the
top news of the day, a new
parenting trend or the latest commercial that made you cry (good Lord, I can barely watch TV at all without getting weepy), I'd love to hear about it.
Let the sharing begin!