Culture & Entertainment

Heels or Sneakers?

Canadian Living
Culture & Entertainment

Heels or Sneakers?

I always wondered...How do you do it? I see Moms - nicely dressed, hair straightened, make up  - perfect --and in heels! accompanied by their well behaved children - sitting quietly waiting for their appointment.  How? Just getting them ready to get out of the house is a workout - check lists are in place, bathroom check, clean face and hands, fully dressed, a bag full of essentials - water, diapers, lots of baby wipes. Then my needs, wallet, car shoes - definately not heels. I can barely keep up with them in sneakers. As one child runs out the door the other quickly follows - leaving me one second to scope the house to make sure the stove and TV are off. When we get to the appointment - well, off they go.  Wiping the floor as they slide on their behinds looking for something to do. Two minutes later, "I have to pee". Yes, we did do the bathroom check.  But the glow of the key hanging with a gigantic tag calls them. So, off we go marching so proudly to the "cool" bathroom with a private key swinging in one hand. Does he go?  Nope. But does wash his hands. Guess that's a good thing. We barely make it back before they call our name, I'm still breathing heavily from the 100 yard dash. Next visit, I've decided.
  • To add to my bag of essentials, books, crayons, and paper.
  • To have a meeting before we leave to ensure that they behave. They get to ride their bikes a little longer or stay up a little later, or their drawings from the day will be posted and highlighted on the fridge.
  • To take the offerings of family members to watch one of the boys, while the other has the appointment.
One day soon, I hope to be in heels. Okay...maybe only on special occasions.  I'm more of a sneaker gal. 3494318045_53008e06ab_m Are you a heels heroine or sneaker superwoman?


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Culture & Entertainment

Heels or Sneakers?
