Culture & Entertainment
Friday Travel Photo: Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Culture & Entertainment
Friday Travel Photo: Angkor Wat, Cambodia
Stunning, Enduring Beauty of Angkor Wat, Cambodia I overheard a fellow traveller once refer to the famous
Temples at Angkor Wat as "ancient ruins." I bridled upon hearing them described as "ruins." Ancient though they are (they were built between 802 and 1220 AD) and bearing scars of a civil war and decades of neglect, the
Temples of Angkor Wat are breath-takingly beautiful, especially at dawn. To walk among the temples and towers outside the town of Siem Reap, as I did back in 2007, is to walk among the gods. Okay, I'm being dramatic, but you get my drift. This week's
Friday Travel Photo was taken by Steve Mackay, a Chief Experience Officer with
Gap Adventures, the well-known Canadian adventure tour company. [caption id="attachment_3303" align="aligncenter" width="430" caption="The Temples of Angkor Wat, Cambodia (Photo: Steve Mackay, Gap Adventures)"]
[/caption] You'll be hearing more from the travel experts at
Gap Adventures in upcoming posts. Feel free to post any questions you have about adventure travel, visiting Cambodia or about travel in general, and we'll see if we can get some answers. Have a great weekend.
