Culture & Entertainment
Friday Travel Photo: An Indian Welcome

Culture & Entertainment
Friday Travel Photo: An Indian Welcome
The Welcoming Women of India This Week's
Friday Travel Photo is from
Mariellen Ward, the Canadian creator of
BreatheDreamGo, a blog devoted to transformative travel. [caption id="attachment_758" align="aligncenter" width="450" caption="Outside the Taj Mahal, India. A Solo Traveller Gets a Truly Indian Welcome (Photo courtesy of Mariellen Ward)"]
I asked Mariellen why this particular photograph held special meaning for her.

"I have taken literally thousands of photos while traveling in India, but I chose this one because it captures the essence of my first trip to India, when I traveled from one end of the country to the other over six months in 2005-06. The photo was taken on the shaded terrace of the Taj Mahal, right outside the entrance to the tomb of Emperor Shah Jehan and his wife Mumtaz. A large group of women from an extended family asked to have their picture taken with me, and you can see how friendly they are, and how much I am enjoying myself. I think my openness to the people, the culture and the experience of being in India contributed in large part to the success of my trip."If you have a photo you'd like to see featured in Friday Travel Photo, you could win a Canadian Living cookbook. Send it to Have a great weekend!