Culture & Entertainment
How to find a travel medicine clinic in Canada

Culture & Entertainment
How to find a travel medicine clinic in Canada
Are your immunizations up-to-date? Do you need a particular vaccination for the country you're planning to visit – and for a specific time of year?

(Image courtesy Global Traveler)
My embarrassing blooper this week? When asked by my (relatively new) boss for a recommendation of a travel health clinic in the city, I promptly – and with great confidence – gave her the name and address of one that was no longer operational. Let's hope she forgets my boo-boo by the time we do our end-of-year performance reviews! It turns out that the travel health clinic I'd been using for a decade – but hadn't been to in about a year, mind you – had closed up shop. That immediately launched me on a short – and what I thought would be a relatively easy – mission: to locate a conveniently-located travel health clinic for my boss so she and her family could prep for an upcoming warm-weather getaway. It took longer than I anticipated. The best – though not necessarily fail-safe solution: Visit the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Yellow Fever Vaccinations Centres in Canada location-finder to find a clinic that's convenient to you – and then call and verify their hours and that they're still operational. The clinic I suggested to my boss is still listed on this site. But this directory is the most comprehensive I've found for Canadians. I also recommend you visit such web sites as the Global Traveler, which can give you the scoop on current pestilence in specific countries. The site's expert content can also help if you're, say, travelling on a cruise ship, have a chronic disease, are pregnant or if you're travelling with small children. Ultimately, you'll need to speak to a health professional. The Vaccinations Centres location-finder is easy to use and will give you options based on where you live.
Public Health Agency Canada)
When in doubt, always consult your physician. Have a healthy holiday!