Culture & Entertainment

Earth Day special series: Drink and BYOB

Canadian Living
Culture & Entertainment

Earth Day special series: Drink and BYOB

Today is the start of Earth Day Canada’s campaigns! Keeping the environment healthy doesn’t have to be hard, and the campaigns are filled with simple actions for you, your colleagues and kids to do just that. A simple but important action that everyone can do is to drink more tap water and get water-wise. Reducing the waste created by paying for and drinking bottled water (with less safety regulations) can be achieved by refilling a reusable bottle. It takes the equivalent of around 17 million barrels of oil to produce all the plastic for plastic water bottles each year. And did you know that municipal water is tested every day while bottled-water plants are only inspected on average once every three years? Our tap water quality and safety ranks among the best in the world but there are still issues with our water consumption and access to clean drinking water even here in Canada. This is why it's important to get water-wise. And don’t forget the kids. The kid-friendly Act for the Planet campaign offers all sorts of ideas and tips for kids and their classmates to help them remember to bring their own bottle. Visit to learn and participate in fun and interesting ways for the month of April.


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Culture & Entertainment

Earth Day special series: Drink and BYOB
