Culture & Entertainment
Cute animal video: Goats perform a balancing act

Culture & Entertainment
Cute animal video: Goats perform a balancing act
Happy Hump Day, everyone! By the time Wednesday rolls around, I bet a lot of you (like me) feel as if you're caught in a balancing act of priorities -- meetings, appointments, family commitments, and some R&R time for yourself. And just how do you manage it all?
Well, for starters, you can check out our awesome tips on how to balance work and a social life. Next, you can entertain yourself with this fantastic video featuring a herd of goats playing on a flexible steel sheet. (Have I mentioned how much I love YouTube?) Watch as they perform a fun balancing act that will surely have you chuckling at your desk.
I don't know about you, but this is exactly how my Wednesday has gone. It's all about balance, right?