Culture & Entertainment
CSA report: Zucchini, Pixar and kids

Culture & Entertainment
CSA report: Zucchini, Pixar and kids
We got the first batch of zucchini in our CSA basket this week, and so I made ratatouille. I knew my seven-year-old would eat it, because ever since he spent that three months begging to watch Ratatouille, Pixar's bizarre little tale of a rat who wants to be a chef, he loves the dish. (It's awesome with fish like this Pan-Fried Tilapia with Ratatouille Sauce.)
We also got some of the same things I've talked about in previous posts: Strawberries, peas, red bunching onions that disappeared into my morning scrambled eggs, and more lettuce.
Lots of kids have food aversions that are taste or texture based, but sometimes it's more of a mental game than a cooking one. You can't always control these things. I could have made fake Pixar videos until I was blue in the face but it had to be a real animated rat that convinced my son to try ratatouille, and now it's a guaranteed vegetable hit. If only we could convince Disney to come out with Pirates of the Leafy Greens, we'd be away to the races.