Culture & Entertainment
CSA report: Kids eat kale, carrots and more

Culture & Entertainment
CSA report: Kids eat kale, carrots and more
(The first post about my
family's farm share/CSA experience is here.) This week's box held strawberries, rhubarb, asparagus, lettuce, green onions, a small amount of kale, and heirloom storage carrots. The carrots reminded me that one of the things I like about the CSA is that not only do you get heirloom varieties, sometimes you get the produce that isn't as uniform - carrots that are all twisted up; giant sweet potatoes. I like that my kids are growing up seeing a bit more variety, especially as we now know
purple vegetables may be nutritional rock stars.
What they ate: Carrots are something my kids usually eat anyway, but we did have to talk my 2 year old through the colour situation. I think he was suspicious the lighter ones were parsnips, which he does not love (yet). My elder child was pretty happy to take a purple carrot to school in his lunch. (Proving
Andrea's point from the last post: Raw can be best.) I also found out he has become a
Rhubarb Coffee Cake dealer, as he asked me for extra pieces for his friends. My younger son's teacher asked if we would send another cake for snack so...that is the runaway hit recipe of the month. (Ours was nut-free.) I decided to get creative with the asparagus and tried this
Asparagus Brunch Bread so that we could take it to the beach. My youngest pulled the asparagus out, but hey: portable asparagus! And it is just as pretty as the picture. As a bonus, we used some green onion in that recipe. More is slated for a quiche ("egg pie") later this week. For kale, it really was a small amount, so I chopped it very finely and served it in a stir fry with rice. Some kids won't eat vegetables "jumbled up," I know, but with my kids the make-it-tiny method's worked for getting leafy vegetables into their diet. (Another option: Spinach or kale orzo; there's a recipe for
Spinach Orzo here.) I wanted to make some kind of recipe with the strawberries, but nope, my kids ate them. Some of our lettuce went to feed a colleague's rabbit. The lettuce remained our biggest challenge and I had a head go bad in the fridge. At least we have a compost bin!
